jenna sais quoi

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January + 2018 Goals

I love the fresh start that comes with a new year. A shiny, brand new year is one of my favorite things. No matter how bad you screwed up the last one, you always get a brand new one to start all over. An opportunity for a fresh start, a clear mind, and to look forward. I've been inspired by some of my favorite bloggers to start setting goals and keeping track of them each month. I love the idea that at the end of the year, I'll be able to look back at everything I accomplished, even if they're small goals. So without further ado...

January + 2018 Goals

-Research workout options. I've been significantly lacking in exercise the last few years and I'm looking for some new options!

-Research language classes. One of my goals for a long time has been to learn another language. While it may be an ambitious year to start, I know I'll at least started researching a class - and decide on a language. I'm in between French and Italian.

-Find new podcasts to listen to. I recently started listening to Cherry Bombe radio- it's all about women and food and I love it. I also started listening to Super Soul by Oprah and it's become one of my favorites! (I've actually listened to the Brene Brown episodes seveal times over- they are that powerful)

-Start planning our trips for the year. One thing we did over Christmas break was go through all the states we've been to and another list of the ones we haven't. On our list for this year: New York City, Utah, either Nashville or Charlotte, and Hawaii (which has been on my list for a long time and I'm determined to make it happen this year)

-Redesign the blog! I've got big plans for the blog in 2018, and one of them has been a redesign. I feel really strong about what I want to create and how I want to brand, so I want to make sure the blog reflects that

-Plan out editorial calendar for the blog - already started but still working on it!

-Research photography classes - one of my goals has been to become a better photographer! Since I'm entirely self-taught and want to put more into the blog this year, I feel like it's time to invest in learning from someone else!

-Blog twice a week, consistently